Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain

Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger are heroes in the US this time of year. Probably, when the Oscars come around next year, they will be big news again. Their claim to all this buzz? They went and did a movie about illicit love; gay love.

I don’t know about you but however I have tried to rationalize and look at this picture, I still cant come to terms with it. Not the movie, the whole gay sex scene, I mean. So we are supposed to be open minded and accept these peeps coz they are just like that…

But I don’t know how I can actually pay to watch that movie. I admit, there are flicks I have watched because the American press shouted themselves hoarse, saying that they are just to die for (The English Patient, Glengarry Glenross). Many times I have come out of the cinema with a lump in my throat, which the date usually mistakes for deep thinking about the picture.

Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain, a movie that has received A reviews on most of the critics boards is sure not going to be one of those flicks for me. And I will be very surprised if some one actually tells it on the mountain that they have it at home. If you have forgotten, this is the country where we don’t allow people different from us to enjoy their rights.


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